1, The control circuit and RGB chip are integrated in a 5050 components, to form an external control pixel.
2, 12V DC power supply, can effectively reduce the operating current of the pixel LED, and decrease the voltage-drop of the PCB, this is to advance the consistency of the mixed lights for long-distance transmission.
3, Using the built-in signal reshaping circuit to achieve the signal waveform shaping, and no distortion of waveform ofsignal takes place.
4, The gray levels of each pixel are of 256 levels, which achieves “256*256*256=16777216” full-color display, and the refresh frequency reaches to 2KHz.
5, Serial cascade interface, data receiving and decoding depend on just one signal line.
6, Dual-signal wires version, signal break-point continuous transmission.
7, Any two point the distance more than 5M transmission signal without any increase circuit.
8, When the refresh rate is 30fps, cascade numbers is at least 1024 pixels.
9, Data transmitting at speeds of up to 800Kbps.
10, Good color consistency reliability, high cost-effective.