HD107S Pixel LEDs Protocol Overview

Pixel Protocol Overview: HD107S


This pixel protocol was designed by Hida Optoelectronics in China, who use the 107S chip by Newstar LED. Very similar to the APA range, HD107S boasts everything APA102 brings, with a higher PWM rate and brighter LEDs. The control circuit and LEDs are integrated in a 5050 SMD package, which provides a small physical footprint for each pixel.

PixLite Support

Are you looking for HD107S pixel drivers that work with Art-Net or sACN? All PixLite Mk1 and Mk2 products support HD107S as an available Pixel IC type, so get in touch with us to find out how the lighting specialists at Advatek can support you in your pixel lighting project.

Note: when you used HD107S LEDs, select ‘APA102′ as your Pixel IC Type. This is the equivalent protocol that will allow you to use HD107S pixels.


Technical Specifications

Clock Type Clocked
Color Resolution 8 bits
Physical Package SMD5050 with integrated LEDs
Output Pixel Voltage 5V
PWM Rate 27KHz
Suitable Camera Up to 87fps, see Refresh Rate and PWM Rate
Redundant Data Line No

Color Specifications

Color Brightness Wavelength
Red 400 – 700 mcd 620 – 630 nm
Green 1000 – 1500 mcd 515 – 530 nm
Blue 300 – 500 mcd 460 – 475 nm

HD107S Advantages

  • Presence of a clock allows for faster refresh rates
  • High PWM rate allows for filming these pixels with cameras up to 87fps

HD107S Disadvantages

  • Only 8 bits of data for each color makes dimming curves less smooth
  • Limited to 5V, causing short cable lengths
  • No redundancy in data



Post time: Jun-09-2021